$97.00 USD

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Intuitive Tarot Wisdom School BETA Group ~ Minor Arcana: Energies, Numbers, People

We begin on Thursday, February, 6th, 2025.
Enrollment closes February 2nd, 2025.

A NOTE ABOUT THE BETA GROUP: When you choose to become a member of the inaugural BETA group, I ask that you fully participate in the experience and practices and offer your feedback in our debrief at the end of our 6-month session. (The cost for the Intuitive Tarot Wisdom School is Six Monthly Payments of $148/month. As a thank you for your participation in the BETA group, you'll receive a savings of $51/month off the regular cost of the program.)

Would you Love to deepen your Intuition
through the Archetypal Wisdom of Intuitive Tarot?

If your answer is a Heart-full YES, I invite you to join me in the BETA GROUP for the First Round of my in-depth, experiential Intuitive Tarot course, which will focus on the Minor Arcana! Over this 6-month Deep Dive into the Minor Arcana you'll cultivate a lived relationship with the cards. The Minor Arcana: Energies, Numbers & People Deep Dive is the entry point and First Round of my Intuitive Tarot Wisdom School.

During our 6-month journey together, we'll meet twice per month, where you will: 

  • Open to yourself as an intuitive and oracle, deepening your connection to the wider field of Wisdom available to you. 
  • Connect with your Signature Energy, your unique Power Frequency, and your Wise Woman Within.
  • Create a living tarot library based on your lived experience working in-depth with the cards in the Minor Arcana.
  • Learn practices to support your Self as Vessel and Vehicle of Divine Wisdom.
  • Receive practical guidance around using Tarot as a vehicle for self discovery, sacred livelihood, or path of devotion.
  • Co-create a field of energy and transmission where learning happens multidimensionally - through the mind, body, Soul, and your deeper fields of perception and knowing.
  • Have the choice to add on The Practitioner Path: 1-to-1 Supervision and Intuitive Coaching. (See link below.)

Our Road Map:

  • Month 1: Self as Vessel, Self as Vehicle ~ Practices to deepen your Intuitive Knowing
  • Month 2: Suits - Wisdom Energies 
  • Month 3: Numbers 1-3 
  • Month 4: Numbers 4-6 
  • Month 5: Numbers 7-10 
  • Month 6: People Cards
  • Months 2-6: FishBowl tarot demos and Practicum – Partner readings

Optional Practitioner Path 1-to-1 Add-on - to support your 6-month Minor Arcana journeyLearn More HERE

  • One Core Reading Supervision – you read for me, with feedback 
  • Two 60-min Intuitive Coaching calls 

Classes will be held over Zoom. You'll receive a zoom link the day before our scheduled meeting.

My in-depth, experiential Intuitive Tarot Wisdom School consists of THREE 6-month Deep Dive Studies into the Minor and Major Arcana, where each Round will focus on a different aspect of the Tarot.

The Minor Arcana: Energies, Numbers & People Deep Dive is the entry point and First Round of my Intuitive Tarot Wisdom School. The Second and Third Rounds will each offer an in-depth exploration into the Major Arcana Archetypes.

This Wisdom Path into the magic and medicine of the Tarot is based on my 40 years of experience as an Intuitive and Oracle, cultivating a lived relationship with the energies and archetypes of the Tarot. I offer these teachings in the Oral Tradition to support your growth as an Intuitive, Wisdom Holder, and co-creator of a rich and resonant field of energy.

Dive into the Sacred Energies of Intuitive Tarot with me!

Love & Magical Creativity,


What I mean by Teaching Tarot in the Oral Tradition

Teaching in the Oral Tradition refers to the transmission of mystical teachings, practices, and experiences through spoken word, passed down from one to others within a community, utilizing guided practices and personal narratives rather than solely written texts, and allowing for a deeper, more personal and embodied connection to what is shared.

Teaching in the Oral Tradition allows for:

  • Direct transmission: Mystical Wisdom comprises direct instruction and subtle or intangible energies that come through the wider field of knowing. Direct transmission allows for knowledge to be felt, embodied, and integrated as well as “learned and known”. 
  • Symbolic language: Oral traditions use rich imagery, metaphors, and symbolism to convey mystical concepts, opening energetic space so one can connect, relate, and find personal meaning with what is taught. 
  • Experiential learning: The emphasis of Experiential Learning is on personal experience and transformation through guided practices and explorations, so one can build a library of knowledge based on a living and dynamic relationship with the content.
  • Community & Connection: Sharing mystical experiences through oral tradition fosters a sense of shared understanding and connection within a spiritual community. 

 A Bit About Me (in the 3rd person 😉)

Solara/ Laura Gasparrini’s Soul Gift is Weaving Divine Energy into Form and supporting Creatives on their Path of Purpose & Transformation. She is an accomplished Healing Talisman Artist, Oracle, Tarot Wisdom Keeper, Energy Weaver, and Spiritual Teacher.

She has a MA in Clinical Psychology, in-depth training in Soul-based Coaching, and over 40 years’ experience as a Vibrational Healer, Intuitive Consultant, Sacred Space Holder, Soul Guide, and Priestess. Laura is clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant.

Laura is a passionate learner with a lifelong interest in Divine Feminine Mysteries and the study of alternative healing methods, Eastern and Feminine Spirituality, and the Tarot. She developed Auric Repatterning™, a multimodal approach to energy healing, which incorporates sound, stones, energy work, and visualization, and Intention Mapping™, an individualized tarot-based intuitive counseling method. She has been exploring the Tarot since she was 16 years old and reading the cards professionally since 1985.

Her work has evolved from energy-based bodywork to her current intuitive work in the auric field & larger field of Wisdom through trainings and apprenticeships in herbology, homeopathy, massage and deep tissue work, vibrational medicine, energy healing on and off the body, yoga, and meditation.

In 1986 Laura was blessed as a Priestess in Celtic Wisdom traditions, and in 2005 she was ordained as a Priestess in the Divine Feminine Mysteries through Ariel Spilsbury's 13-Moon Mystery School. She is a champion of Creativity as a Sacred Path, and her work continues to evolve as she is guided by the Divine.

I give thanks for the Abundant Universe
And for the Light of Love
Of Source residing in all we experience.
Love, Light and Abundant Prosperity are our birthright.
I am so Grateful!
I am so Grateful!
I am so Grateful!