Join me for a twice-monthly virtual
Heart-Full Healing Intention Circle,
where we'll co-create a Sacred Container of Love and Devotion dedicated to supporting
each Circle member in their Self-full Intention and Possibility for the months ahead.
Each time we meet, the first half of our time together will be dedicated to offering up fears and worries we may be experiencing as well as celebrating the Goodness in our lives. We will begin with Grounding and Offering practices, both of which will allow us to bring our full Self into the present moment.
The second half of our Circle will be dedicated to supporting the intention of each individual present. The energetic container we create together includes both giving and receiving, and in our Circle as in Life, each person is essential to the whole.
I will guide you through each practice step by step. You do not need to follow any particular spiritual belief to participate or have any experience with healing circles.
Heart-Full Healing Intention Circle will meet twice monthly on designated Sundays of each month at 4pm Eastern. Please allow ~1.5 hours for our time together.
I hope you'll join me for this transformative Circle of Healing and Love,